How the construction and infrastructure industry can build a pipeline of capable effective future leaders.

Discover what only 11% of CEOs know about developing leaders

We trawled through the research to find out what the very best are doing to develop leaders. This report includes insights from:

  • 133 academic papers

  • 21 specific case studies studies

  • 17 first time-leader programs

  • 5,000+ conversations with corporate leaders

What creates an effective leader?

Take a dive into the research and learn what the most critical skills and traits leaders must have when it comes to leading in construction & infrastructure.

Common Leader Challenges

We take a look at some of the most common workplace challenges when it comes to developing leaders, and explore ways how these could be overcome.

How do you actually build leaders?

Developing leaders is an art and a science. Here’s what you need to know about getting it right.

Turn insights into action

It’s one thing to read a report, it takes courage to turn it into results, and action. Without this step however, it just becomes an interesting read - and we know that if you made it this far on this page - that’s not you.

Download the Practical action booklet below - just hit the button, for free - no email required.

Understanding Transformational Leadership

Research shows that one of the most impactful skills you can help future leaders develop is transformational leadership. Below are some of our favorite videos which explain the practical side of developing these skills.